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Akila putri cantik saya yang lucu sudah mulai membaik dari sakit batuknya setelah dua hari terkena bapil namun hari ini tepatnya sore hari batuknya makin parah,seahri ini memang saya sibuk dengan rutinitas sehari hari pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga dari pagi hingga sore hari. Ketika saya selesai nyuci sore tadi saya berfikir heran ko batuknya akila makin jadi lebih parah daripada sebelumnya,memang sebelum batuknya parah dia agak rewel nangis saja hingga saya mencuci piringpun dia nangis maunya digendong terus,sedangkan pekerjaan rumah seolah tak pernah habis,sayapun gendong akila sambil cuci piring dan dilanjutkan kasih makan siang akila. Lihat cuaca cerah lanjut saya kepikiran cucian yg menumpuk dikeranjang cucian kotor,akila ikut dong karena ibuknya nyuci dan ibuknya gak mau akila nangis,sampailah dicimajau atau kali tempat kami nyuci (kp kadupinang) nyucilah saya selang beberapa menit akila nangis dan saya pun berhenti dulu buat nenangin sikecil yang rewel lagi mau ikutan nyuci bareng ibuk kalau sehat biasanya diajak sambil nyuci sambil sikecil nungguin main air,

curhatan seorang ibu


Siti Arofah SKM

My cute, beautiful daughter Akila has started to get better from her cough after two days of catching a cold, but today, in the afternoon, her cough is getting worse. Today I am busy with my daily routine of housewife work from morning to evening. When I finished washing this afternoon I thought it was surprising why Akila's cough was getting worse than before, indeed before the cough got worse he was a bit fussy, he just cried until I washed the dishes and he cried and wanted to be carried all the time, while the housework seemed to never end, I carried him. Akila while washing the dishes and continuing to give Akila lunch. Seeing that the weather was bright, I then thought about the laundry that had piled up in the dirty laundry basket. Akila came along because his mother was washing it and his mother didn't want Akila to cry. He came to Cimajau or the river where we wash (Kp Kadupinang). Wash me. After a few minutes, Akila cried and I stopped for a moment. Calm your little one who is fussy and wants to join in washing with mother. If he is healthy, he usually invites him to wash while the little one is waiting to play in the water.

a mother's story


Siti Arofah SKM

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